Thanks to a friend, Tim Delano, I was reminded of a nearby natural area. I actually had tried to visit it 30+ years ago. I think the Nature Conservancy was thinking of acquiring or had just acquired it. It was
During the cold dark days of winter, is it hard for you to get up in the morning? Do you experience a drop in normal energy levels in the afternoon and feel a need for more sleep? Is it difficult
We all have heard it for decades. Heart disease is caused by elevated blood cholesterol and the only accepted therapy is prescribing medications to lower cholesterol and a diet that restricts fat intake. The latter, the experts have insisted, will
Deviled Eggs Eggs have been unfairly demonized because they contain large amounts of cholesterol. However, dietary cholesterol doesn’t necessarily raise blood cholesterol and eggs have never been proven to cause harm. If anything, eggs are among the most nutritious and
In the late spring I decided to make a tincture from dandelion root, leaf and flower. My friend and acupuncture colleague Carol offered to let me come out to her farm and dig all the dandelions my heart desired.
I have lots of patients who come in with neck and shoulder tightness, forearm and wrist pain and or back pain. Particularly if they have an office job where they spend a lot of time in front of a computer
Using the energy of the each season to nourish you. This is winter. Even though it feels like spring is coming many know it is still clearly winter. Here in the Willamette Valley we’ve had our usual variation of weather