This is going to be a very busy and great year. Please read this fun article provided by one of my favorite herb suppliers, Mayway Herbs. I think it is interesting to see how various world views reflect on
Stay well
Hi everybody. This is the busy, crazy and hopefully happy time of year. I wanted to share some info with you that you may find helpful through the holidays and for a better new year. Many people have asked me
Keeping Cool in the Heat
We have had the sun shining for an amazing amount of time already this spring and summer. Summer activities are at full tilt but I will remind everyone once again : Summer heat can sneak up on you causing dehydration,
Sum sum summertime
Hooray. It’s early for summer in the northwest. We usually joke that summer starts on July 5. Memorial Day weekend is usually cold and rainy. I would always opt to take call on Mem
All about Moms
This month I am looking at the various aspects of Mother and Mom. There are more than you may think. Spring is finally(?) here. What?! Actually in the Chinese calendar early May is the
All Hail Spring!
Yahoo!! Spring is coming (or rather here). At least that is what OUR calendar is saying. However the Chinese have both a solar and lunar calendar that they use to mark the passage of time. Their seasons have ‘nodes’ which
Share the Love
Happy Valentine’s Day Today we celebrate our love for our special someones, a significant other, spouse, life partner. It is good that we do this as we can get complacent in having them around all the
Happy Chinese New Year
Gong hay fat choy (Cantonese – Happiness and Prosperity) Happy Chinese New Year (Cantonese – San nin hou) January 22 is New Year for 2023. It is the year of the Yin Rabbit. New Year in the lunar calendar is
Jan 1 2023 Happy New Year
Just wanted to share a New Year prediction written by one of my instructors. He very nicely describes all the elements that are involved in creating this – lots more factors than one might expect. Energy movement and interactions are
Year of the Yin Metal Ox
Gong Xi Fa Cai Last year was far from pretty or nice. It seems the worst in everyone and everything emerged. Lots of pain, ugly and just not nice. So many have lost so much. We haven’t even been allowed
Four Thieves Vinegar

THE GARDEN HERBAL REMEDY THAT SURVIVED THE PLAGUE Four Thieves Vinegar is the stuff of legends and kitchen magic. Recipes for this concoction are as numerous as the stories behind it. An easy version for the home herbalist is
Cazadero Trail

We have another trail that has been worked on a lot the past few years. The plans are for a 4-mile trail, 3 miles are done. My husband and I went this past year and it was very pleasant. You
Chrysanthemum tea

Cold Chrysanthemum Tea An ideal summer drink Chrysanthemum flower of Ju Hua in Mandarin, is used in Chinese Herbal Medicine to address early stages of colds with fever, headaches, a dry mouth and throat. If you have itchy eyes from
Cucumber Cool This Summer

There’s a reason we say “Cool as a cucumber.” Cucumbers have been around for about 10,000 years. They started out as a tropical plant but have been hybridized over time to grow quite well in more temperate areas. They pack
Inflammation, Your Mouth and Your Health.

This months Special Guest Blog is written by our favorite dentist, Candace Krause, DMD, from Gladstone Family Dentistry. I recently attended a seminar at OHSU (Oregon Health Sciences University) entitled “The Impact of Periodontal Disease on General Health.” According to
Turmeric: The Trendy Herb That Lives Up To The Hype

Next time you think about having a cup of coffee, try some Golden Milk instead. Drinking a cup of Golden Milk every day could keep the doctor away! Golden Paste can also be used in smoothies, to make salad dressings,
Adaptogens: Herbs to Build Vitality and Immunity

Adaptogens are a variety of herbs, mushrooms and foods the boost the immune system and provide general nourishment.
Office visit guidelines

Office visit guidelines for patients The office will contact you a day or two before or Friday if your appointment is on Monday, to check to see that you are healthy, have no signs of illness, or have not been
Ban Colds and Flus this year

Wowza! Can you believe it? Kids are going back to school. The days are getting shorter but it is still summer. However, in Oriental medicine Autumn starts in August. There is plenty of Yang with the hot, steamy days but
Holiday Greetings

Here are some tips to make your holidays happier, healthier and more beautiful. More will be done from a distance this year. It will be difficult to celebrate in our traditional ways with family and friends. We need to take