This is going to be a very busy and great year. Please read this fun article provided by one of my favorite herb suppliers, Mayway Herbs. I think it is interesting to see how various world views reflect on
Cazadero Trail

We have another trail that has been worked on a lot the past few years. The plans are for a 4-mile trail, 3 miles are done. My husband and I went this past year and it was very pleasant. You
Chrysanthemum tea

Cold Chrysanthemum Tea An ideal summer drink Chrysanthemum flower of Ju Hua in Mandarin, is used in Chinese Herbal Medicine to address early stages of colds with fever, headaches, a dry mouth and throat. If you have itchy eyes from
Inflammation, Your Mouth and Your Health.

This months Special Guest Blog is written by our favorite dentist, Candace Krause, DMD, from Gladstone Family Dentistry. I recently attended a seminar at OHSU (Oregon Health Sciences University) entitled “The Impact of Periodontal Disease on General Health.” According to
Turmeric: The Trendy Herb That Lives Up To The Hype

Next time you think about having a cup of coffee, try some Golden Milk instead. Drinking a cup of Golden Milk every day could keep the doctor away! Golden Paste can also be used in smoothies, to make salad dressings,
Adaptogens: Herbs to Build Vitality and Immunity

Adaptogens are a variety of herbs, mushrooms and foods the boost the immune system and provide general nourishment.
Office visit guidelines

Office visit guidelines for patients The office will contact you a day or two before or Friday if your appointment is on Monday, to check to see that you are healthy, have no signs of illness, or have not been
Ban Colds and Flus this year

Wowza! Can you believe it? Kids are going back to school. The days are getting shorter but it is still summer. However, in Oriental medicine Autumn starts in August. There is plenty of Yang with the hot, steamy days but
Holiday Greetings

Here are some tips to make your holidays happier, healthier and more beautiful. More will be done from a distance this year. It will be difficult to celebrate in our traditional ways with family and friends. We need to take
Tradition – sometimes you have to let go

I was reading a few articles the other day on kids going back to school. Another busy year of learning and growing. Hopefully they get a teacher that inspires, supports and nurtures them as they try on new subjects to
Reflection time – what will Feed your soul?

Hopefully you have spent the summer planting and tending your ‘garden’ and now you have a lot to harvest and treasure. This not only refers to food but also to friendships, work accomplishments and other life goals. Summer is when
Bone Broth for Winter Health

Soups or broths are excellent for supporting the Lungs in the fall and winter. In Chinese medicine bone broth nourishes our Kidneys—the internal organ associated with winter season–supports our qi and builds blood. Bone marrow is the source of essence
Fall. Time to gather your nuts for winter.

There is a chill in the air. The days grow shorter. Just as squirrels gather fall nuts for the long winter, we too need to prepare for winter. Seasonal changes affect the immune system. With the wind, rain and snow

Fall and winter are cold and flu season. It may be impossible to avoid catching a cold, but doing the following will certainly increase your chances of being cold free this fall and winter. Wash Your Hands. Your best protection
NAET: Hope for severe allergies.

It’s Allergy season again. What’s that you say? “I thought that was in the spring”. Actually any season can be allergy season. Fall is the season of the Lung and this is the perfect time to be addressing your allergies.
Miso Soup with Scallions – A tasty cure for the common cold

Did you know that Miso Soup with Scallions is an ancient Chinese herbal remedy for colds? In 300 AD famous herbalist, Ge Hong, writes about Miso Soup with Scallions in a book called, Bei ji zhou hou fang or Emergency
Wrap up in Winter

Ward Off the Winter Chills You know that scarf your Aunt Betty gave you for Christmas several years ago? You tossed it on the shelf in your closet and forgot about it! It is one of the best things you
Jing Ball Recipe

Herbal Tonics need not be bitter teas or handfuls of pills. In fact, one of the best ways to nourish and tonify is by creating foods and treats one can enjoy. The following recipe is adapted from Rosemary Gladstar’s
Put the Jingle Back in your Jing this winter.

Put the Jingle Back in your Jing this winter. We are all born with an intrinsic energy known as Jing. Jing, or Essence, is a Chinese term for the fundamental energy of life. Jing is stored in the Kidneys
Defend Your Vital Energy This Winter

The concept of QI or vital energy is central to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Qi changes its form according to its location and function. The lungs are associated with Wei Qi. Fall is the time to nourish and strengthen the