Adaptogens are a variety of herbs, mushrooms and foods the boost the immune system and provide general nourishment.
Adaptogens: Herbs to Build Vitality and Immunity

Adaptogens are a variety of herbs, mushrooms and foods the boost the immune system and provide general nourishment.
Wowza! Can you believe it? Kids are going back to school. The days are getting shorter but it is still summer. However, in Oriental medicine Autumn starts in August. There is plenty of Yang with the hot, steamy days but
Have you ever given your friends valentines and little heart-shaped candies on Valentine’s Day? Have you ever crossed your heart when making a promise that you really mean? Or turn on the radio to hear a guy singing about
Soups or broths are excellent for supporting the Lungs in the fall and winter. In Chinese medicine bone broth nourishes our Kidneys—the internal organ associated with winter season–supports our qi and builds blood. Bone marrow is the source of essence
Put the Jingle Back in your Jing this winter. We are all born with an intrinsic energy known as Jing. Jing, or Essence, is a Chinese term for the fundamental energy of life. Jing is stored in the Kidneys
The concept of QI or vital energy is central to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Qi changes its form according to its location and function. The lungs are associated with Wei Qi. Fall is the time to nourish and strengthen the
There are many reasons a heart can break. It could be a literal break, as in a heart attack or a cardiovascular illness. Or, it could be a metaphorical break—at the end of a relationship, or after the death of
Spring is Liver time, and a good time to give your liver a little extra attention after a long winter. Beets are a good food to assist your liver and continue to nourish your kidneys as winter ends and spring
Fermentation may be the oldest method for preserving food. It adds intense and complex flavors to whatever is fermented. Fermentation is used in creating many modern foods such as yogurt, bread, sauerkraut, kimchee, pickles, salami, beer, wine, cider–even chocolate and
We all have heard it for decades. Heart disease is caused by elevated blood cholesterol and the only accepted therapy is prescribing medications to lower cholesterol and a diet that restricts fat intake. The latter, the experts have insisted, will
In the late spring I decided to make a tincture from dandelion root, leaf and flower. My friend and acupuncture colleague Carol offered to let me come out to her farm and dig all the dandelions my heart desired.
Using the energy of the each season to nourish you. This is winter. Even though it feels like spring is coming many know it is still clearly winter. Here in the Willamette Valley we’ve had our usual variation of weather