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Asian medicine has been around for many thousands of years and acupuncture has been practiced since the Shang Dynasty (more than 3000 years) treating millions of people as the primary form of medical care. Yin and Yang balance is sought

Herbal Medicine
Humans have had a relationship with herbs as food and medicine for millennia. These plants are living beings with whom we share our planet. Our relationship with them extends beyond the physical and into the emotional and spiritual realms as

NAET allergy treatment
NAET® was discovered by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad in November of 1983. Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques, also known as NAET, are a non-invasive, drug free, natural solution to alleviate allergies of all types and intensities using a blend of selective

Aroma Acupoint Therapy
Aroma Acupoint Therapy Calming, healing treatment without needles. Doesn’t seem possible but Aroma Acupoint therapy can do that. This can be a very powerful yet gentle treatment. It can do what needles do. Instead of the physical sensation of the

Nutrition and movement
You are what you eat as they say. To get the best energy out of your foods in traditional Chinese medicine some principles come into play. They are related to the five elements –

Additional tools
ETPS or electro-therapeutic point stimulation is a means of stimulating acupuncture points without needles. It is a direct current and can be very helpful for musculo-skeletal treatments to assist on relaxing the muscles. It is also useful in trauma areas

Your Journey with Me
Hello everyone, Welcome to Oregon City Acupuncture. I’m Carol Griesmeyer, LAc, RN. As your assistant and advocate on your wellness journey I will: Listen to you and your unique needs and concerns. Focus on the whole YOU, drawing on my knowledge
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