Thanks to a friend, Tim Delano, I was reminded of a nearby natural area. I actually had tried to visit it 30+ years ago. I think the Nature Conservancy was thinking of acquiring or had just acquired it. It was rustic back then – only game trails, nothing cleared. We didn’t get far.
It was gorgeous with the clear fall weather we had this year. But remember that clear winter weather is a great time to get out and walk also. Even tho it has been bone chilling you get warm when you dress appropriately and get out and walk.
The colors were golds, browns and amazingly lots of red from the berries on the Madrones. I didn’t realize there were so many of them in this location. I’ve noticed more as I go south on I-5 toward southern Oregon.
We decided to call the area Squirrel Heaven. Lots of those guys jumping from tree to tree. Could see their nests above also. Could have been large bird nests but I’ve seen nests like these back in the Midwest and know squirrels use them. Also met a very friendly Goshawk. He landed about 4 feet in front of my husband and didn’t spook. Then when we were driving out of the parking area he was standing on the road next to a mailbox. We drove very close to him before he decided it was better to leave the area. Very pretty bird. Don’t know that I’ve seen one before. It took the Audubon book to identify him.
When I visited the website they mentioned that the boardwalks may be slippery. If you go in the extreme cold there can be frost so be careful. I can see where that would be when they are wet. I like to walk with walking sticks just to give my arms a little more work and I can use one as a monopod for the camera. You do have to be careful with them if they have spike tips. Best to place your poles off to the sides of the walk but be careful of the plants.
Lots to see and hear. You just have to take the time to get down and dirty and sit and wait. How far and how fast is not always to goal. The Northwest has so many gorgeous areas to explore right in our backyards. You don’t have far to go to explore the many wonders.